Hart Advertising's connection to the media will help you succeed! Knowing the strengths and weaknesses of the media helps dramatically in the negotiation process. Using advanced media-specific software pins down the right price for the right audience to sell your product and your brand. Return on investment is our top priority! See below some of the clients we have worked with to escalate their profitability. Seven out of 10 new businesses barely survive two years before closing the doors while half survive for at least 5 years, a third at least 10 years and only a quarter remain in business 15 years or more. So many of those failed business owners confirm that if they had reserved a certain amount of start-up funds to advertise with a professional firm, they most likely would have succeeded. Many people think that saving money by doing their own advertising is the smart way to go. Social media and certain aspects may be things small business owners can tackle on their own but when you're talking about real strategic marketing analysis and advertising campaigns, people who are serious about growing their business into something spectacular need to invest wisely in a competent advertising firm. The vast majority who failed did not have a the right firm backing them. Hart Advertising & Marketing will ensure not only the success, but continued growth of your company.